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Azzurite Granite is an intense stone with an earth tone coloration. An array of colors starting with off white and ending with burnt orange with greys, ivory, and black flecks. Heavy movement in the design with waves of colors make this a bold choice for that kitchen counter top or bathroom vanity.Azzurite Granite countertop video is from, the leader in website design and online marketing for countertop fabricators and countertop retailers. For a free quote on a website design visit our website or call (484) 240-1800

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    Countertop Websites, a Search Traffic Now site, does not sell any products.  This is a demo site for countertop fabricators, countertops businesses, and kitchen, bath and flooring companies that want to grow their business through a new website, or (SEO) search engine optimization, search engine marketing (Google, FB, Insta), B2B (Linkedin), email marketing, and much more.  Contact us for a free consultation.

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